Female incontinence is a problem affecting millions of women worldwide. This condition often develops with age and can cause a number of embarrassing situations. If left untreated, incontinence can cause us to lose self-confidence and feel uncomfortable in our own skin. RKM Aesthetics & Wellness is here to help you live incontinence-free with our Emsella treatment. Emsella is designed to ease symptoms of female incontinence without surgery or downtime.
What Is Emsella?
Emsella is a breakthrough treatment for improving female incontinence and confidence. This non-invasive technology is essentially a high-tech throne that works by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through targeted stimulation. The result is an improvement in neuromuscular function that translates to better bladder and overall muscular control. The beauty of Emsella is that the procedure can be performed quickly and there is no downtime after treatment.

How Does Emsella Work?
Incontinence occurs as a result of weakened pelvic floor muscles stemming from body aging, childbirth, and menopause. If your pelvic floor muscles weaken to the point of not being able to support your pelvic organs, your bladder control is negatively affected. During treatments, your pelvic floor muscles are effectively stimulated with thousands of contractions per session. This stimulation improves neuromuscular control, leading to a decline in incontinence incidences.
Expected Results From Emsella
Treatment sessions with Emsella typically take 30 minutes. During that time, you will be seated, fully clothed, and are free to relax with your phone, tablet, or a book. As the device stimulates your pelvic floor muscles, you will experience tingling and muscle contractions. Most patients describe this treatment process as feeling comfortable or even pleasant. Improvements may be experienced after a single session and the results generally continue to improve over the course of several weeks.
Emsella Treatments in Ventura, California
You shouldn’t have to live with constant incontinence issues. At RKM Aesthetics & Wellness, our dedicated staff is here to help by providing you with the expert care and dedication you deserve. To learn more about our Emsella treatments, request an appointment by calling (805) 653-5070 or filling out the form below. We’re looking forward to serving you.